Orchids and more

2024 is looking like a great year for orchids at Newborough. The mild damp weather has given perfect growing conditions; and not just for the orchids.

Orchids amongst trefoil, Newborough Forest
Bee orchids, Postman’s path Newborough

And while the orchids are beautiful, and garner lots of attention, there are so many other beautiful flowers and plants at this time of the year, it’s worth looking a little closer.

Particularly beautiful, but very discreet, is the tiny little dune cat’s ear grass. It’s Latin name is Phleum arenarium. Phleum is more usually associated with the grass known as Timothy – one of the most popular grasses for hay production. In France, dune cat’s ear is known as Timothy of the sands (Fléole des sables).

Flowerheads of dune cat’s ear alongside opening orchids

And there are also the less showy orchids – like the helleborines

Helleborine coming into flower Newborough

And just for fun, it’s not a bee orchid, nor a spider orchid, but it is an orchid, a bee and a spider:)

Crab spider, bumble bee and orchid flower, Newborough

Newborough – a forest with many flowers – happy flower hunting

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